Previously, we reported that dominant lethal mutations were induced in spermatids after inhalation exposure of male (102/El x C3H/El)F1 mice to 1300 ppm of 1,3-butadiene on 5 days for 6 h per day (exposure dose 39,000 ppm h). The same inhalation exposure was given to male C3H/El inbred mice which were mated to inbred line 102/El females 8-14 d after the end of exposure. Male and female F1 hybrid progeny were tested for the presence of heritable translocations by observation of litter sizes and by cytogenetic analyses in meiotic and somatic cells. 1,3-Butadiene induced heritable translocations in late spermatids. The translocation frequency after 1,3-butadiene exposure to 39,000 ppm h was 2.7% (16 translocation heterozygotes among 559 F1 offspring). This frequency is 54 times higher than the historical control frequency (0.05%; 5 translocation heterozygotes among 9500 F1 offspring). Thus, 1,3-butadiene causes heritable germ cell effects in mice.