Patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are severely immunosuppressed. These patients are exposed to various infections agents due to delayed and efficient reconstitution of their immune system. Forty-eight patients with hemato-oncological malignancies were immunized against hepatitis B virus (HBV) following autologous BMT. Twenty one were vaccinated more than 10 days before BMT, 17 on days 1-9 before and 10 day after BMT. Thirty three patients (68.7%) seroconverted within 40 days after autologous BMT after receiving one dose of the vaccine before autologous BMT with a relatively low level of anti-HBs, whereas in 11 no anti-HBV antibodies could be detected. Nineteen patients remained seropositive but in 11 the seroconversion was only transient no correlation was found between permanent or transient seroconversion and basic disease, conditioning regimens, post-transplant therapy, immunotherapy and day of vaccination in relation to autologous and day of vaccination in relation to autologous BMT. Active HBV immunization of patients with malignancy undergoing autologous BMT is feasible and levels of antibodies, although low, are above the conventional protective titers. Therefore active immunization of some patients may reduce hepatitis-related complications in the setting of autologous BMT.