Copper-62-labeled pyruvaldehyde bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazonato)-copper(II) (Cu-PTSM) is a generator-based PET radiopharmaceutical under investigation for use in evaluation of tissue perfusion. Despite promising results from animals, problems have been encountered in the use of 62Cu-PTSM to quantitate myocardial perfusion in humans at high flow rates, possibly due to species-dependent interactions of the tracer with serum albumin.
Methods: Ultrafiltration and plasma/erythrocyte partitioning studies were performed to assess the protein binding of 67Cu-labeled Cu-PTSM and six related copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes.
Results: These studies reveal significant interspecies variability in the strength of Cu-PTSM binding to serum albumin, with 67Cu-PTSM binding much more strongly to human albumin than to dog albumin. Most of the related Cu(II)-bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes examined exhibit interspecies variability of albumin binding similar to that observed with Cu-PTSM. Two such complexes, Cu-ETS and Cu-n-PrTS, however, were identified that exhibit no preferential association with human serum albumin.
Conclusion: Copper-62-PTSM exhibits substantial interspecies variability in the strength of its binding to serum albumin, which appears to explain the problems encountered in using animal data to predict 62Cu-PTSM behavior in humans. The 62Cu-ETS and 62Cu-n-PrTS complexes may be viable alternatives to 62Cu-PTSM for PET studies to evaluate quantitatively myocardial blood flow in humans.