Our laboratory previously demonstrated that cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts in human placental tissue contain hCG/LH receptors. From this finding, we postulated that one role of hCG might be to promote the differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts. To test this postulate, cytotrophoblasts were isolated from human term pregnancy placentas and cultured with and without increasing concentrations of highly purified hCG. The results showed that hCG had a biphasic effect on 1) the aggregation of cells without intervening plasma membranes; 2) the expression of cadherin, a cell adhesion receptor that facilitates cellular aggregation; 3) the expression of hCG/LH receptor gene; and 4) the expression of three different hormonal markers of differentiation. The hCG effects were time and dose dependent and hormone specific. The addition of excess polyclonal hCG antibody, but not normal rabbit serum or nonspecific antirabbit immunoglobulin G, decreased basal responses as well as those to exogenous hCG. The polyclonal hCG/LH receptor antibody increased differentiation and dramatically stimulated hCG secretion in the presence or absence of exogenous hCG. (Bu)2cAMP mimicked the actions of hCG. H-89, a protein kinase-A inhibitor, decreased basal as well as exogenous hCG responses. Calphostin, a protein kinase-C inhibitor and lavendustin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on the other hand, had no effect. In summary, it is novel that hCG made in human placenta can regulate the differentiation of cytotrophoblasts, which make little hCG, into syncytiotrophoblasts, which make considerable amounts of hCG.