Between 1980 and 1990, 670 testicular examinations were performed. Testicular palpation and ultrasonography were carried out. A total of 588 patients (87.8%) had malignant testicular tumors; 82 patients (12.2%) were found to have nongerminal testicular and paratesticular tumors. Intraoperative frozen section histology and tumor size determined the subsequent procedure. In cases of epidermal cysts, adenomatoid tumors and fibrous pseudotumors, the testicle was preserved in the majority of cases. Leydig's cell tumor, Sertoli's cell tumor and dermoid cysts were removed together with the testicle because it was not clear if they were benign. During the postoperative follow-up period, there was no evidence of local recurrence or metastases in any of the patients.