Intra-arterial CDDP-Lipiodol infusion chemotherapy using an implantable port was effective in 10 unresectable liver cancer patients, including 7 hepatocellular and 3 metastatic cases. CDDP-Lipiodol suspension (10 mg of CDDP/1 ml of Lipiodol) was administered at the dose of 25 mg/m2 of CDDP biweekly from 2 to 9 times. The clinical responses were defined as 4 PR (40%), 5 NC (50%), including 3 MR, and 1 PD (10%). The efficacy rate was 40%. The level of AFP and CEA was reduced in all PR and NC cases except one. Side effects were nausea (70%), low-grade pyrexia (50%), abdominal pain (30%), and liver dysfunction (20%), but they were tolerable and transient.