Passive transfer of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) IgG to rodents as well as active immunization with recombinant Yo fusion protein were tried in order to examine the roles of anti-Purkinje cell antibody (anti-Yo antibody) present in the sera and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with PCD in Purkinje cell loss, the hall mark of PCD pathology. On a single injection of PCD IgG to mouse brain, IgG was taken into Purkinje cells and remained there for more than 36 h without Purkinje cell loss. Injection of PCD IgG together with complement or lipopolysaccharide-activated human macrophages or rat mononuclear cells to rats ventricles did not cause Purkinje cell loss. We made a recombinant Yo fusion protein that has the leucine-zipper protein (Yo protein), the common epitope for anti-Yo antibody. Mice immunized with this Yo protein produced high titer antibody against it for more than 3 months, during which time neither neurological symptoms nor Purkinje cell loss occurred. The anti-Yo antibody, with or without complement or activated mononuclear cells, therefore could not be the sole cause of Purkinje cell loss.