Fifty-eight female impatients consecutively hospitalized in the University Hospital Department of Psychiatry in Tours were interviewed with a clinician battery of instruments (among them, the SI-PTSD by Davidson). The diagnoses leading to hospitalization were: severe disorders of psychotic type (schizophrenic, schizophreniform, schizo-affective, schizoid and paranoid delusional disorders as well as bipolar disorder), borderline and narcissistic personalities for 7%, and other disorders for 53%. Among the results, we observed that 59% of these patients had experienced at least one major stressful event (rape 26%, other sexual assault 29%, physical assault 31%, seeing somebody dying in a violent way 8%, war scene 2%, injured in an accident 2%). As a consequence, 61% of the victims have suffered from PTSD and the diagnosis of PTSD was still present in 21%. In addition, in the victims, somatoform and dissociative disorders were significantly more frequent.