Introduction: Degos' disease is a rare dermatosis characterized by papular lesions with a porcelain-white central atrophy and histopathological aspect of wedge-shaped infarction necrosis and an endovasculitis in the dermis. Its pathogenesis is unknown but many abnormalities of haemostasis have been reported.
Patients and methods: Platelets functions, coagulation and fibrinolysis were estimated in three patients with Degos' disease. For one patient, direct immunoelectron microscopy using an antibody to von Willebrand factor was performed on lesional skin.
Results: In all the patients, prolonged euglobulin lysis time, increased plasminogen activator (PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activities before and after a venous occlusion test were detected and indicated an inhibition of fibrinolysis. Electron microscopy demonstrated in one case an increased number of Weibel-Palade bodies and a raised staining of von Willebrand factor in endothelial cells. Tests for coagulation and circulating anticoagulant were normal. Results of platelets adhesion showed decrease of adhesion in one case and increased adhesion in another. Platelets aggregation studies were normal in two cases and showed hyperactive spontaneous and induced aggregation in one case.
Conclusion: We showed an inhibition of fibrinolysis in three patients with Degos' disease. These abnormalities could induce a prethrombotic state. The release of PA and PAI from the endothelial cells into the blood stream and the modifications observed with electron microscopy may signify a primary lesion of endothelial cell of still unknown origin.