We discuss the usefulness of Helical scanning CT (Helical CT) in the 52 patients with space occupying lesions of the pancreas. Information acquired during the early phase was found to be particularly useful in the evaluation of the extent of pancreatic carcinoma. The diagnostic rate of pancreatic tumors by Helical CT was 78% in 18 operative cases. The detection rate of involvement of the major arteries around the pancreas was compared with angiographic results in 22 cases each other, and the overall accuracy of Helical CT was 100%. On the other hand, the detection rate of PV invasion by Helical CT was compared with histological results in 14 cases, and the overall accuracy was 71.4%. In the cine mode and the multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) image, the courses of the major blood vessels and the degree of invasion into the blood vessels by pancreatic carcinoma could be continuously observed, both enabled reconstruction of the lesion and surrounding areas three dimensionally.