Recently we encountered a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with HIV infection. The patient was 54-years old male. His chief complaints were anemia, emaciation and severe diarrhea. He was admitted to our hospital on September 18, 1992. He had been diagnosed in another clinic as having pulmonary tuberculosis before the admission to our hospital. His chest films taken on admission revealed homogeneous infiltrates with cavitation in right upper lobe. Serial chest X-rays consisted with the findings of post-primary tuberculosis. Sputum smear for acid fast bacilli was positive. From his clinical manifestations and life-history, we had a suspicion that he had infected with HIV. Laboratory findings were as follows: serum albumin level was 1.9 g/dl, CRP was 10.2 mg/dl, serological tests for HIV were positive by EIA, IFA and western blott method, total lymphocyte count was 819/microliters, CD4+ T lymphocyte count was 120/microliter CD4+/CD8+ ratio was 0.2. He was treated with AZT, isoniazid, streptomycin and rifampicin. The disease progressed rapidly and interstitial pneumonia, jaundice and clouding of consciousness appeared at the terminal stage. He expired on October 14, 1992. In this paper, the authors reported a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with HIV infection and also reviewed 5 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis associated with HIV in Japan.