This study describes the results of Dobutamine stress echocardiography in 10 patients with Syndrome X. The diagnosis of Syndrome X was made on the basis of the presence of exertional angina, positive exercise stress test, negative ergonovine stress test and normal coronary arteries at angiography. All patients underwent Dobutamine stress echocardiography after interruption of any antianginal therapy. Dobutamine was infused starting with a dose of 5 mcg/kg/min over 3 minutes with incremental steps of 5 mcg/kg/min every 3 minutes up to a maximal dose of 40 mcg/kg/min. Two-dimensional echocardiography and 12-lead electrocardiography was monitored during the infusion of the drug. Nine patients received the maximal dose while one patient prematurely stopped the test for the occurrence of side effects. None of the ten patients developed segmental left ventricular wall motion abnormalities indicative of myocardial ischemia; ST-segment depression diagnostic for ischemia developed in 30% of patients; angina was elicited in one of these patients and in two additional patients. A hyperkinetic response to Dobutamine infusion involving all the segments of the left ventricle was observed both in patients with and without chest pain or electrocardiographic changes. In patients with Syndrome X Dobutamine induces a hyperkinetic left ventricular response indicative of normal contractile reserve despite the presence in some cases of angina and electrocardiographic signs of ischemia.