Investigations examining the influence of 5-HT1A receptors in murine agonistic and social behavior have reported either specific or nonspecific attenuation of offensive behavior. To clarify this situation, the effects of three 5-HT1A agonists were examined on isolation-induced aggression and social behavior in male mice. 8-OH-DPAT (0.025-1.25 mg/kg) increased social behavior, rearing, and digging. Offensive behavior was reduced, without concomitant sedation. Ipsapirone (0.1-10.0 mg/kg) reduced naso-nasal behavior, whilst enhancing stretched-attend behavior, cage-exploration, and rearing. Offensive and defensive behaviors were attenuated, without reductions in activity. MDL 73005 EF (0.25-8.0 mg/kg) reduced social behaviors, cage-exploration and rearing while maintenance behavior was increased. Offensive and defensive behaviors showed attenuation. Current results corroborate previous findings with respect to 5-HT1A receptor involvement in murine agonistic behavior and anxiety. Data also connote that the behavioral specificity of 5-HT1A ligands should be interpreted in terms of response competition rather than solely concomitant sedation.