As a supplement to our publication in the Journal Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie 21 (1989) 315-317, we would like to report a five-year follow up of a patient with recurrent sigmoid carcinoma, infiltrating all layers of the abdominal wall. Treatment was by radical tumor excision and reconstruction with a combined tensor fasciae latae and rectus femoris flap. Abdominal wall, hip, and knee functions were evaluated by gait-analysis (Motion Analysis Corporation AMTI) and dynamometry (Cybex 6000). The dynamometry of knee motion showed a slight deficit of the operated side regarding the parameters of strength-endurance as well as work-recovery. All other parameters (peak-torque) were equal for both sides corresponding to the activities of daily living of the patient. Gait-analysis showed a reduced rotation of the pelvis as well as a functional deficit of extension of the knee during stance and swing phase. We can document a good functional result in all motions without major impairment of every-day activities.