We report a case of partial laparoscopic cystectomy in a 31-year-old infertile patient presenting vesical endometriosis. This patient had suffered severe dysmenorrhoea for 10 years previously together with repeated episodes of urinary infection, mostly occurring during the menstrual period. A diagnostic laparoscopy performed in another centre diagnosed a stage IV endometriosis. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists were prescribed for 9 months. After failure of this treatment, the patient came to consult us. A solid mass in the left supratrigone was detected by pelvic ultrasonography and confirmed by cystoscopy. Transurethral resection was carried out. A recurrence of the symptoms 9 months later prompted operative laparoscopy under cystoscopic control. This confirmed recurrence of a 3.5 cm endometriotic nodule. Laparoscopic partial cystectomy was performed using the monopolar electrode. The bladder was then sutured via laparoscopy. No complications occurred. No postoperative treatment was given. Second-look cystoscopy 2 months later revealed that healing was perfect. Eight months later, the patient is well and has a normal intra-uterine pregnancy.