Purpose: CT examination of recurrence patterns of oesophageal carcinoma, distinguishing normal post-operative appearances from local recurrences, lymph node metastases and postoperative complications.
Materials and method: 28 patients were examined following oesophageal resection and gastric interposition because of development of new symptoms. Localization and patterns of local recurrences, lymph node and distant metastases were correlated with the localization of the primary tumour.
Results: Eight patients (29%) were free of tumour and a further eight with lymph node or distant metastases showed normal gastric interposition. 12 patients (43%) had local recurrences at the level of the primary tumour. 10 patients (36%) had local recurrences only, seven (25%) had a combination of local and distant metastases and 3 (10%) showed only distant metastases. The localization of distant metastases was independent of the localization of the primary tumour.
Conclusions: Recurrences following oesophageal carcinoma usually consist of a combination of local recurrences and lymph node and distant metastases which can only be defined completely by CT.