Autoimmune mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Multiple autoantibodies have been detected in patients with IDDM. Islet cell antibodies (ICA), complent-fixing islet cell antibodies (CF-ICA) and antibodies to an islet cell protein 64000 M(r) (64K antibodies) have been regarded as immunological markers in IDDM. ICA detection with immunohistochemistry requires fresh normal human pancreas (blood group O) which provides an antigen for measuring ICA in serum samples. In the present study ICA detection was first carried out by using avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique (ABC) method and paraffin sections of human pancreas (blood group O), Serum samples were obtained from 17 patients with IDDM, 20 with NIDDM and 20 without diabetes mellitus. In patients with IDDM, ICA were detected in 9 of the 17 (52.94%) while none of the patients with NIDDM and without diabetes mellitus were ICA positive. In comparison with other methods, the present one is more reliable, sensitive, specific and simple. Therefore, it may be widely used for ICA detection in clinical practice.