Background: Angiopeptin, a synthetic somatostatin analogue, reduces myointimal hyperplasia after experimental balloon angioplasty when given subcutaneously. The feasibility and efficacy of a single dose of angiopeptin delivered locally via the Wolinsky porous balloon on myointimal hyperplasia were studied.
Methods and results: Three rabbits received 125I-angiopeptin in the mid abdominal aorta via the Wolinsky balloon at 5 atm for 1 minute after balloon injury. Thirty minutes later, autoradiography demonstrated radioactivity in the media and the adventitia. Forty rabbits were divided equally into one control group receiving saline and three angiopeptin groups receiving 1, 10, or 100 micrograms/mL of angiopeptin delivered locally at 5 atm for 1 minute via the Wolinsky balloon into the mid abdominal aorta after balloon injury of the entire abdominal aorta. On day 21, the abdominal aortas were fixed in situ and harvested. There was no statistical difference in the amount of myointimal hyperplasia in the locally treated aorta in the angiopeptin groups compared with the control group. However, in the lower abdominal aorta, where balloon injury without local delivery was performed, there was a significant reduction of myointimal hyperplasia in the highest-concentration angiopeptin group (P < .001 versus the control group). Electron microscopy showed that the control animals had a pseudointima of smooth muscle cells throughout the aorta, whereas in all the angiopeptin-treated animals, endothelial cells were present at both locations.
Conclusions: Angiopeptin can be delivered intramurally via the Wolinsky porous balloon and reduces myointimal hyperplasia only in the area distal to the local drug delivery site (downstream effect), possibly by healing the injured endothelium, by transport via the vasa vasora, and/or by systemic effect.