A series of cisplatin-resistant cell lines were used to examine the formation and removal of platinum-DNA adducts from the overall genome and the formation and removal of cisplatin-interstrand cross-links from specific genomic regions. Cisplatin accumulation and DNA platination levels, which correlated linearly, were similar in three of the resistant cell lines despite differences in their primary cisplatin resistance. Increased platinum removal from total genomic DNA was found to be associated with increased resistance. Interstrand cross-link levels were found to be 2- to 4-fold lower in the 28S ribosomal RNA gene and a non-coding genomic region of the resistant cell lines as compared with the parental A2780 cell line. In addition, 1.2- to 2.7-fold more cross-links were formed in the non-coding region than in the ribosomal RNA gene in all of the cell lines. Interstrand cross-links were removed more rapidly from both regions of the highly cisplatin-resistant C80 and C200 cells and from the ribosomal RNA gene only in the cell lines of lower resistance. The results support a role for DNA repair and alterations in interstrand cross-link formation in cisplatin resistance and provide evidence for heterogeneous interstrand cross-link formation in the genome.