The electrical impedance of a pulmonary mass was measured in 53 patients of whom 44 had primary lung cancer, 5 had metastatic lung tumor, and 4 had organizing pneumonia. Because biologic tissue can be regarded, electrically, to consist of extracellular resistance (Re), intracellular resistance (Ri), and the electrical capacitance of the cell membrane (Cm), these three parameters were calculated from the measured electrical impedance of tissue by a curve-fitting technique using a computer program. The Re of lung tissue was significantly greater (p < 0.01) and the Cm of lung tissue was significantly less (p < 0.01) than that of a pulmonary mass. The Re of malignant tumors (both lung cancer and metastatic tumors) was significantly greater (p < 0.01) and the Cm of malignant tumors was significantly less (p < 0.01) than that of organizing pneumonia. With this information, we used a biopsy needle to diagnose nine intrathoracic lesions. This technique additionally allowed us to confirm the proximity of the needle tip of the mass. The electrical impedance of the lung mass was measured through the biopsy needle using a modified impedance analysis system before the biopsy was performed. There were no false-negative results, and one false-positive result. The rapid measurement of the electrical impedance of a pulmonary mass, preoperatively, may be of value in the clinical evaluation of a pulmonary mass both by facilitating needle guidance and by permitting diagnosis based on electrical impedance.