One hundred and eighty one patients with stage Ib cervical cancer underwent hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. The overall incidence of lymph node metastases was 20%. Twenty seven (71%) patients with nodal involvement were treated by external radiotherapy (TCT) and 11 (29%) by both chemotherapy and radiotherapy (Lin. Acc.). The overall survival at 5 years was 80%; it was 43% for patients with positive nodes and 89% for patients without metastatic nodal disease. The 3 year survival of patients with positive nodes who underwent radiation therapy by TCT was 58%, while it was 72% for those treated by chemotherapy plus radiotherapy. We observed a recurrence in 23% of the cases, 52% in patients with positive nodes and 15% in those with negative nodes. The association chemo-radiotherapy in patients with metastatic lymph nodes seems to improve the survival and reduce the recurrence rate.