Abnormalities in endothelial von Willebrand factor (vWF) structure have been reported in pulmonary hypertension. These include loss of high molecular weight plasma multimers, resulting in decreased biologic activity. If endothelial processing of vWF is altered in this disorder, abnormalities in oligomeric composition may also be expected. We examined this possibility in ten adult patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. Enhanced endothelial vWF expression in these patients was indicated by increased plasma levels of vWF antigen (vWF:Ag) (214 +/- 91 vs 99 +/- 51 percent activity in controls, p < 0.001) and intense immunoperoxidase stain of pulmonary arterial endothelium for vWF (autopsy, 1 patient). Plasma from these patients also had a decreased capacity of inducing platelet aggregation in the presence of ristocetin, relative to vWF:Ag levels (57 +/- 20 percent activity). In addition to mild loss of the largest multimers, changes in oligomeric composition of plasma vWF were observed in most patients using both agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These included decreased concentration of dimeric (470 kDa) vWF in most patients, variable concentration of the 860-kDa fraction, and a relative decrease in subunit (223 kDa) density in subjects with elevated vWF:Ag. These findings provide additional information on the mechanisms responsible for endothelial production of dysfunctional vWF in patients with pulmonary hypertension.