Perfluorocarbon liquids can be used as an operative hydrodynamic tool during vitreous surgery. The high specific gravity exerts a pressure on the retina to open up the retinal funnel, to displace the subretinal fluid and to stabilize the posterior retina for membrane peeling, endo-laser photocoagulation, and to release anterior traction. The authors reviewed 27 patients of a variety of severe proliferative vitreo-retinopathies (PVR) treated with the perfluorocarbon procedure, including idiopathic PVR in 9 cases, traumatic PVR in 7 cases, aphakic or pseudophakic PVR in 5 cases, intraocular inflammatory PVR in 4 cases and other forms in 2 cases. The success rate was 81.5% and the final visual acuity ranged from 0.05 to 0.5 in 50.0% of the patients that attained retinal reattachment. The retina failed to reattach in patients with rupture of the eyeball or advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The surgical techniques and management of operative complications were discussed.