Outside-out patches excised from extrajunctional membrane of locust muscle were subjected to "concentration jumps" of L-glutamate, using the liquid filament switch technique, to study channel opening and closing rates, desensitization onset, and recovery from desensitization of a quisqualate-sensitive glutamate receptor (qGluR). Based on data obtained from these experimental studies, computer modeling techniques have been used in an attempt to simulate the behavior of qGluR during a concentration jump of L-glutamate. A linear model with three closed states (one unliganded, one monoliganded, and one biliganded), one open state (binding two molecules of L-glutamate), and two desensitization states (the one monoliganded, the other biliganded) leading from the unliganded closed state simulated all of the experimentally observed behavior. The results are discussed in the context of previous equilibrium studies in which desensitization was inhibited with concanavalin A and for which a ten-state model was required to simulate the behavior of qGluR.