A 39 year old man had been suffering from chronic bowel symptoms of changing intensity. At the age of 37 the diagnosis of nontropical sprue was made. After institution of a gluten free diet the patient improved, but soon diarrhea started again. In the examination of peripheral blood smear, bone marrow and small intestinal mucosal biopsies a dominant eosinophilia was found. Since several attacks of abdominal colics and finally an acute abdomen occurred, a laparotomy was indicated. This operative intervention showed a perforation of the intestine and tumors in the bowel wall as well as numerous lymphomas spread over the whole mesentery. The histological examination of both the small intestine resect and the lymphomas proved the diagnosis of a highly malignant Non Hodgkin lymphoma (middle and large cell pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma with transition into a large cell anaplastic lymphoma [ki-1 lymphoma]). The patient received a chemotherapy with COEP but died 4 weeks after the surgery.