Eight triterpenoids were isolated from the roots of Lantana camara. On the basis of their chemical properties and spectral data (UV, IR, MS, 1HNMR, 13CNMR), they were identified as lantanolic acid (I), 22 beta-O-angeloyl-lantanolic acid (II), oleanolic acid (III), 22 beta-O-angeloyl-oleanolic acid (IV), 22 beta-O-senecioyl-oleanolic acid (V), 22 beta-hydroxy-oleanolic acid (VI), 19 alpha-hydroxy-ursolic acid (VII) and 3 beta-isovaleroyl-19 alpha-hydroxy-ursolic acid (VIII). II was obtained for the first time from plant. VIII is a new compound named lantaiursolic acid.