MnDPDP is a new intracellular contrast medium of which 50% is excreted through the bile; its acceptability and effect on MR images was studied in 21 patients, 18 of whom had malignant and three benign tumours of the pancreas. Spin echo T1 images (SE-T1: TR = 500 ms; TE = 15 ms) showed a 20% increase in signal to noise ratio (S/N) (p = 0.059) and a 90% increase in contrast to noise ratio (C/N) (p = 0.0027). In gradient T1 images (GE-T1: TR = 100 ms; TE = 6 ms; flip angle = 70 degrees) there was an increase of S/N of 70% (p < 0.0001) and of the C/N of 200% (p < 0.0001). T2 weighted SE sequences were inferior to plain SE-T1 weighted sequences with regard to their S/N and C/N ratios. There were no significant clinical complications or biochemical changes in the blood or urine. A subjective side effect in three patients was a feeling of heat. MnDPDP is a well tolerated and effective contrast medium for MRT of pancreatic tumours.