Twenty-seven patients who underwent microvasculosurgical free tissue transfers for head and neck reconstruction with a M. rectus abdominis or M. latissimus dorsi flap are reviewed. In this series the flap reconstruction was completed in 15 patients with extraoral defects, in six patients with an intraoral defect and in six patients with a combined intra and extraoral defect. Split thickness skin graft coverage was used in all cases. All free muscle grafts survived and good take of the split skin was obtained. In extraoral defects coverage of free muscle transfer with split thickness skin grafts results in a better color match than with musculocutaneous flaps and complements the appearance and pliability of the free muscle flap. Reshaping and three-dimensional positioning made reconstruction of every intraoral defect and combined intra and extraoral defects possible. In skilled hands, free tissue transfer provides a reliable method for reconstruction of almost every defect in the head and neck.