To evaluate the ability of augmentation cystoplasty alone to provide a low pressure bladder and an adequate degree of continence in the myelodysplastic patient, the clinical records and urodynamic data of the last 18 consecutive such patients undergoing augmentation cytoplasty at our institution were reviewed. Two patients underwent colocystoplasty and 16 underwent ileocystoplasty. No patient underwent any procedure on the bladder neck or urethra. The 2 colocystoplasty patients exhibited episodic dampness attributed to contractions of the augmentation but all of the ileocystoplasty patients were dry during the day except 1 who had a urethral resistance of only 19 to 22 cm. water. On the basis of this review, ileocystoplasty alone appears to be sufficient for satisfactory continence in patients with a neurogenic bladder undergoing vesical augmentation if bladder outlet resistance exceeds 25 to 30 cm. water.