This paper focuses on the advantages of an outpatient technique in the treatment of the 1st various syndrome based on crossectomy and complementary sclerotherapy to eliminate the proximal reflux. In addition to the speed, low costs and total absence of discomfort for the patient, this method results in a low percentage of easily correctable failures provided the patients to be treated are carefully chosen. Selection involves a preoperative screening phase based on anamnesis, semeiological tests, Doppler and evaluation of tibial venous pressure, as well as careful topographical mapping of proximal refluxes which allow a correct postoperative follow-up in the event of possible recidivation (14.3% based on the authors' experience). The surgical technique used entails an accurate crossectomy with full exposure of the SF crosse (??) and its affluent branches, and subsequent sclerotherapy with atoxysclerol in a variable quantity and % as required. Of a total of 91 cases treated with a 3-year follow-up, 5 cases of recidivation were observed during the first year and 8 during the third. In both cases postoperative pressure values in the tibial veins were considerably higher than in other patients and recidivation occurred through perforating sclerosed recanalised vessels.