In obstetrics there are sometimes situations that require a prompt induction of labour. The possibility of employing prostaglandins instead of oxytocin would seem to increase the prospects of success. The aim of the present study is to strike a preliminary balance of our experience on how the use of exogenous PGE2 (dinoprostone) helps to start the labour in term pregnant women. The study considered retrospectively a sample of 40 women that underwent one or more attempts to induct labour through intracervical application of PGE2 gel during the period 01/12/1992-01/04/1994. The results of the attempts were evaluated according to numerous parameters. In addition, we tried to define the prognostic value that could be attached to the characteristics of the tocogram an hour after dinoprostone had been administered. The percentage of success (88.89%) was high, while the incidence of instrumental deliveries and/or complications proved unimportant. The results of the attempts were positively linked to the Bishop score and to the regularity of the uterine contractions an hour after the application of PGE2. The utilization of dinoprostone proved effective and free from risks, authorising its clinical employment and the experimentation of new protocols.