The majority of complement protein C3 is synthesized by the liver, but many other cell types produce small amounts of functionally active C3. The overall contribution of such extrahepatic C3 production to the total circulating C3 level is unknown. Bone marrow and extrahepatic C3 productions were quantified in bone marrow transplant (BMT) and liver transplant (LT) recipients, respectively, where a mismatch for the C3 allotypes distinguished by the mAb HAV 4-1 had occurred. In the BMT group, donor-derived C3 was detected by ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. It contributed to 0.1 to 2.6% of the total circulating C3 during the immediate post-BMT period in response to inflammatory stimuli. Cell culture and immunostaining techniques demonstrated that monocytes were the source of the C3. By 6 wk following BMT, donor-derived C3 levels had decreased to below the detection limit of the assays. By contrast in the LT group, total extrahepatic C3 levels were higher (3.1-5.7% of the total circulating C3) and remained stable for up to 1 yr post-LT. This study demonstrates that extrahepatic derived C3 forms a larger proportion of the circulating C3 levels than was considered previously and that in the resting state, most of this extrahepatically derived C3 comes from nonmyeloid sources. In addition, monocytes, which in the resting state contribute negligible amounts of C3, have the potential when stimulated to contribute significantly to the total systemic C3 pool. These findings highlight the importance of locally secreted complement proteins.