The murine spontaneous B lymphoma is etiologically related to the expression of endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus (ETV). Although both SL/Kh and SL/Ni mouse strains show a high level of expression of ETV from early in life, the former is a pre-B lymphoma-prone strain and the latter is rather lymphoma-resistant. In order to identify the host background difference related to the lymphomagenesis, we performed a genetic cross study between these two strains. In the reciprocal F1 generation, the length of the lymphoma latent period was slightly but significantly longer in (SL/Ni xSL/Kh)F1 than in (SL/KhxSL/Ni)F1(P < 0.05). The incidence of overall lymphomas and that of acute pre-B lymphomas was lower in (SL/NixSL/Kh)F1 than in (SL/KhxSL/Ni)F1, although the difference was not statistically significant. These observations indicate that an epigenetic maternal resistance mechanism of SL/Ni mice plays a role in the lymphoma resistance. Furthermore, in the backcross combinations without maternal influence of SL/Ni, we observed a genetic mechanism of lymphoma resistance: an SL/Ni-derived recessive lymphoma-resistance gene mapped in the proximal segment of Chr. 4. We named this gene nir-1 (SL/Ni-lymphoma resistance-1). Thus, we have demonstrated epigenetic and genetic mechanisms of lymphoma resistance of the SL/Ni mouse with the high expression of endogenous ETV.