Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using 123I-Iomanzenil (IMZ), a tracer which binds specifically to central-type benzodiazepine receptors, was performed in patients with cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) to determine the clinical signicigance of IMZ SPECT studies in evaluating the pathophysiology of CVD. IMZ SPECT images obtained three hours after administration of the tracer were compared with the images of cerebral blood flow (CBF) studies in 206 cases. In regions with decreased CBF, the uptake of IMZ was relatively preserved in patients with cerebral thrombosis in comparison with cerebral embolism, and in those with perforator branch infarction in comparison with cortical infarction. The uptake of IMZ decreased as a function of both the severity of the decrease in the CBF and the duration of illness in regions with a significantly decreased perfusion reserve. These results suggest that decreased IMZ binding in ischemic stroke reflects the neuronal damage caused by the cerebral ischemia. On the other hand, in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, the cortical uptake of IMZ was relatively well-preserved in regions with decreased CBF, and the decrease in the uptake of IMZ was more profound as a function of the decrease in the CBF, especially in cases of putaminal hemorrhage. These results also suggest that the decreased cortical CBF is a remote effect caused by a neuronal disconnection, and neuronal damage may occur in regions with severely impaired CBF.