A soluble form of the endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) was analyzed for the ability to modulate the functional properties of protein C and activated protein C (APC). In a plasma clotting system initiated with factor Xa, EPCR blocked the anticoagulant activity of APC in a dose-dependent fashion. EPCR had no influence on clotting in the absence of APC. Consistent with the plasma results, EPCR slowed the proteolytic inactivation of factor Va by slowing both of the key proteolytic cleavages in the heavy chain of factor Va. EPCR did not prevent protein C activation by the soluble thrombin-thrombomodulin complex, did not alter the inactivation of APC by alpha1-antitrypsin or protein C inhibitor, and did not influence the kinetics of peptide paranitroanilide substrate cleavage significantly. We conclude that EPCR binds to an exosite on APC that selectively modulates the enzyme specificity in a manner reminiscent of the influence of thrombomodulin on thrombin.