To analyze cell-specific brain gene expression, we have developed a PCR-based subtractive hybridization cloning method utilizing trace starting material, allowing isolation of novel genes expressed under specific conditions. Our previous studies indicated that local substantia nigra (SN) type 1 astrocytes elaborate an array of trophic molecules which support the survival of SN dopaminergic neurons. Therefore, the current study focused on astrocyte gene expression utilizing a type 1 astrocyte-enriched cDNA library. We report initial characterization of a novel cDNA, designated AT1-46, that is preferentially expressed in the olfactory-limbic system of the adult rat brain. Although AT1-46 is expressed widely in the periphery, it is regulated both developmentally and in a cell-specific fashion in the brain. Structurally, AT1-46 is predicted to encode a highly alpha-helical molecule with several domains of potential coiled coil formation, and exhibits a 28% amino acid sequence identity with the intermediate filament-associated protein, trichohyalin.