A 47-year-old man with sever angina pectoris was referred for surgery. Preoperative coronary angiogram revealed giant multiple aneurysms of RCA (Seg 1-Seg 3) and LCX (Seg 11) and LAD (Seg 6). Stenoses were found distal to aneurysm, 90% in RCA-Seg 4, CX-Seg 11, 100% in LAD- Seg 6 and DX-Seg 9 and OM-Seg 12, with collaterals from RCA to LAD. Left ventlicle contracted poorly with the EF of 36 due to anteroseptal infarction. Coronary artery bypass grafting were performed to LAD using a LITA, to DX and LCX using a SVG in the sequential fashion. Postoperative coronary cineangiogram demonstrated that all grafts were patent and multiple giant coronary aneurysms resembled coronary arterial changes of Kawasaki's disease.