Short-term cultures of tissue samples from three bilateral prophylactic mastectomies and one in situ ductal carcinoma from four women belonging to a family with hereditary breast cancer were cytogenetically analyzed. Clonal chromosome abnormalities were detected in five of the six prophylactically removed breasts, all of which had the histologic diagnosis epithelial hyperplasia without atypia, and in the in situ carcinoma. The same karyotypic imbalance, a loss of 3p12-14, was detected in the in situ carcinoma as well as in one of the hyperplasias, indicating that these bands may harbor a pathogenetically relevant gene in this breast cancer family. The finding of chromosome aberrations in clonal proportions in the prophylactically removed breasts indicates that a neoplastic process was already present, lending support to the view that prophylactic bilateral mastectomy in these high-risk individuals prevented the development of breast carcinoma.