Prostacyclin and thromboxane are potent antagonistic regulators of vascular tone and platelet aggregation. In pre-eclampsia, the ratio of their metabolites is decreased. Little is known about the local regulation of intrauterine prostacyclin and thromboxane production in this condition. Placenta and placental bed biopsies were obtained from uncomplicated and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Prostacyclin synthase (PCS) and thromboxane synthase (TXS) and their mRNA's were localized by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies and in situ hybridization. Protein and mRNA levels were quantified by immunoblot and RNase protection assay. PCS-like immunoreactivity was found in endothelial cells and leiomyocytes, whereas fetal and maternal macrophages showed positive staining for TXS. Their mRNA was localized to trophoblast and endothelium, and TXS mRNA could also be detected in macrophages. Quantitative analysis showed no significant difference in intrauterine protein or mRNA expression after pre-eclampsia. The prostacyclin and thromboxane production seems to be compartmentalized within the uteroplacental unit. The expression of their synthesizing enzymes might be regulated post-transcriptionally. Additional regulation of prostaglandin production could be metabolically or on the substrate level and requires further elucidation.