Prenatal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) documents placental chromosomal mosaicism in approximately 2% of viable pregnancies at 9-12 weeks of gestation and can involve various chromosomes and placental cell lineages. Confined placental mosaicism (CPM) is the result of postzygotic mitotic errors occurring in either diploid or trisomic zygotes. With trisomic zygote rescue, depending on the parental origin of the chromosome which is lost, uniparental disomy (UPD) or biparental disomy (BPD) may arise [Kalousek et al., Am J Hum Genet 52: 8-16, 1993]. In this paper, we present 14 pregnancies which were diagnosed by CVS as mosaic trisomy 7. All follow-up amniocenteses showed a normal diploid karyotype. Using both classical cytogenetics and interphase analysis, studies of term placentae showed variable levels of trisomy 7. DNA analysis was performed in nine cases to determine whether the diploid fetus had BPD 7 or UPD 7. Fetal UPD 7 was present only in one case; in eight other cases biparental inheritance was demonstrated. DNA analysis to establish the origin of trisomy 7 in the placenta was fully informative in six cases. One trisomy resulted from a meiotic error and was associated with fetal UPD 7, while the rest were somatic in origin. It is difficult to compare the effect of CPM for trisomy 7 to other trisomies confined to the placenta, as for most chromosomes there are few available cases. It appears that intrauterine fetal growth is not greatly affected by the presence of a trisomy 7 cell line in the placenta. This finding is in contrast to the serious effect of high levels of trisomy 16 within the placenta on fetal intrauterine growth in a series of well-documented cases of CPM 16 [Kalousek et al. 1993].