The HIS7 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a bifunctional glutamine amidotransferase:cyclase catalyzing two reactions that lead to the formation of biosynthetic intermediates of the amino acid histidine and the purine adenine. The HIS7 gene is activated by GCN4p under environmental conditions of amino acid starvation through two synergistic upstream sites GCRE1 and GCRE2. The BAS1p-BAS2p complex activates the HIS7 gene in response to adenine limitation. For this activation the proximal GCN4p-binding site GCRE2 is required. GCN4p and BAS1p bind to GCRE2 in vitro. Under conditions of simultaneous amino acid starvation and adenine limitation the effects of GCN4p and BAS1/2p are additive and both factors are necessary for maximal HIS7 transcription. These results suggest that GCN4p and BAS1/2p are able to act simultaneously through the same DNA sequence in vivo and use this site independently from each other in a non-exclusive manner.