Between September 1985 and December 1994, 322 patients with oesophageal cancer were treated. Of the 190 patients who underwent operation, 173 had an oesophageal resection; in 124 this was performed as an abdominothoracic resection and in 49 by the transhiatal approach. The assessment of radicality after histological examination revealed a curative (R0) resection in 121 patients (70 per cent) and a palliative (R1-R2) resection in 52 (30 per cent). Prognosis was correlated with the extent of mediastinal lymph node dissection. In 77 patients with stage pT1-3 pN0-1 pM0 the 5-year survival rate was 40 per cent after abdominothoracic resection with two-field lymph node dissection and zero after transhiatal resection (P = 0.01). The authors propose a differentiated surgical approach involving abdominothoracic resection with two-field lymph node dissection for patients with limited tumours (pT1-3 pN0-1 M0) if the operative risk is tolerable. Transhiatal resection appears to be effective only in patients with early tumours (Union Internacional Contra la Cancrum stage 0).