The bcl-2 gene codes for a protein which functions to inhibit apoptotic cell death. bcl-2 overexpression was originally described in follicular lymphoma, but more recently bcl-2 expression has been observed in a variety of other human neoplasms. In this study we used immunohistochemistry to examine bcl-2 protein expression in endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma. bcl-2 protein was observed in 4/4 cases of complex hyperplasia, 1/4 cases of complex atypical hyperplasia, and 10/29 cases of carcinoma. The staining observed in the cases of complex atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma was focal and less intense than the reactivity of normal proliferative endometrium. We conclude that bcl-2 protein is seldom overexpressed in complex atypical hyperplasia or carcinoma of the endometrium. Rather, in many cases of endometrial carcinoma bcl-2 expression appears to be decreased.