Purpose/objectives: To address the state-of-the-knowledge concerning quality of life (QOL) issues and the cancer experience from theoretical, research, clinical, and educational perspectives.
Data sources: Published books and articles and a panel of experienced QOL experts who convened at the Oncology Nursing Society's State-of-the-knowledge Conference on Quality of Life in February 1995.
Data synthesis: Despite the evolution and support of QOL in oncology nursing practice, education, and research, there remains gaps in theory, research, and practice related to QOL. This article explores these gaps in knowledge and recommends future directions for QOL theory, research, education, and practice.
Conclusions: Further conceptual work and resolution of QOL methodologic issues to guide clinical practice and education are warranted. The impact of cultural variables and precancer life experiences on patients' perceptions of QOL also must be addressed.
Nursing implications: Oncology nurse clinicians, educators, and researchers must continue to work collaboratively to enhance the knowledge base regarding QOL and to improve the nursing care provided to individuals with cancer.