Presentation of one case of relapsed urethral stenosis in a penoscrotal location where after several failed therapeutical approaches, the final decision was to place a Wallstent endoluminal prothesis. The patient underwent several endoscopic internal urethrotomies and urethroplasty in two occasions, developing complications: urethral calculi, hair follicles requiring cauterization, repeat infections and relapse urethral stenosis, which finally lead to the decision of fixing a intraluminal stent even if in an unusual location (penoscrotal). The result, 40 months after implantation, is both subjectively and objectively better, with a good mictional calibre and satisfactory erection which allows the patient to have sexual intercourse. The Wallstent prothesis can be the ultimate alternative in those cases of "ill-treated" urethra where other techniques fail.