The present study compares the change of cerebral blood flow and HbO2 measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) after administration of 1000 mg acetazolamide intravenously. CBF studies in 21 patients with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease were performed routinely with the 133Xenon technique. Additionally the local HbO2 was recorded by NIRS. A rest study was followed by a second study after the administration of 1000 mg acetazolamide. In 18 patients we observed an increase of 30.8% of CBF and 4.7% of HbO2, 3 patients showed a decrease of CBF and 2 patients a simultaneous decrease of HbO2. We did not find a correlation between the absolute values of CBF and HbO2 at rest or after stimulation. However, a positive correlation (r = 0.71, p < 0.05) between the change of CBF and HbO2 could be detected. Assuming a threshold value of normal CBF reactivity of 30% and 4% HbO2 reactivity we found for NIRS a sensitivity of 0.88 and a specificity of 0.75. The results demonstrate that changes of CBF can be detected with NIRS and the algorithm of the used monitor is able to calculate the intracranial part of the signal. So, NIRS can be used as non-invasive screening method to test the cerebrovascular reserve capacity.