A retrospective study of 61 patients (61 legs) with recurrent varicose veins (RVV) and saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) incompetence was set up to assess the efficacy of re-exploration of the SFJ through a lateral approach. All the patients underwent re-exploration of the SFJ by a single surgeon (MPV) through a lateral approach. Thirty-one patients (50.8%) presented an intact SFJ. Twenty-seven patients (44.2%) presented intact major tributaries emerging from the stump of SFJ. In 2 patients (3.2%) the recurrence was related to neovascularization and in 1 case (1.6%) to cross groin venous connection. Follow-up averaged 2.81 years. Three (4.9%) patients were lost, 56 out of 58 patients (96.55%) were asymptomatic, 2 out of 58 (3.4%) presented a new recurrence in the groin. Complete isolation of the FV to identify every tributary and ligation of the SFJ flush with the FV are essential to avoid further recurrences.