Sixty-eight patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) received sequential infusions of iodo- and/or bromodeoxyuridine for cell kinetic analysis. Bone marrow biopsy sections were treated by appropriate antibodies and a labeling index (LI), duration of S-phase (Ts), and total cell cycle time (Tc) of myeloid cells were determined. The mean LI was 28.4%, Ts was 11.8 hours and Tc was 40.7 hours. The %LI decreased as the disease evolved from refractory anemia toward transformation to acute leukemia (p = 0.04). Double-labeling of biopsy sections for apoptosis and proliferation showed that 30-90% of S-phase cells in MDS patients were simultaneously apoptotic or "antonymous." We conclude that MDS are highly proliferative disorders in which the ineffective hematopoiesis is probably the result of excessive apoptosis rather than slow proliferation.