Memory B-cell clones develop from virgin B cells that take up processed antigen, make cognate interaction with primed T cells and then grow in germinal centres. Within the germinal centre the proliferating B cells undergo Ig variable-region mutation and are subsequently selected on their ability to bind antigen held on follicular dendritic cells and then to make cognate interaction with germinal centre T cells. The selected cells emerge as memory B cells or plasmablasts. Although many of the memory B cells and most of the plasma cells emerging from follicles have undergone Ig class switch recombination a substantial minority of the memory B cells have not switched. These non-switched memory cells can be induced to switch on re-exposure to antigen. Affinity maturation following a single immunization ceases as germinal centres wane some 3-4 weeks after immunization - memory cells and antibody production, on the other hand, persist for months and even years.