Several reports indicate higher endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels in patients with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), although this finding has not been confirmed by other studies. The discrepancy may be partially explained by the frequent coexistence in NIDDM patients of other pathologies, such as essential hypertension, and by the presence of diabetic vascular complications or renal failure, able, per se, to increase ET-1 circulating levels. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of arterial hypertension and/or of diabetic angiopathy on ET-1 circulating levels in a group of NIDDM patients. We measured ET-1 plasma concentrations in three groups of subjects: a) 22 NIDDM patients with or without hypertension and with or without vascular complications; b) 11 hypertensive patients; c) 14 age-matched healthy volunteers. Plasma ET-1 concentrations were significantly higher in NIDDM patients with angiopathy (7.3 +/- 0.7 pg/ml, mean +/- Standard Error; p < 0.001) than diabetics without angiopathy (4.4 +/- 0.53 pg/ml), hypertensive patients (4.7 +/- 0.85 pg/ml) and healthy subjects (3.1 +/- 0.19 pg/ml). This report indicates that increased plasma ET-1 levels in NIDDM patients may be ascribed only to those with vascular compliances, while hypertension, per se, does not affect ET-1 plasma levels in these patients.